October 15–18, 2024
2024 Equip Expo
Louisville, KY
Check back for more shows
as they are announced
Ryken Hartwick
Lafayette, Indiana
Ryken Hartwick
Lafayette, Indiana
Cody Butler
Bowling Green, KY

Cody Butler
Bowling Green, KY
Austin Krebs
Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania

Austin Krebs
Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania
Will I Am Mowing
Springfield, MO

Will I Am Mowing
Springfield, MO
Troy Thompson
Lexington, Kentucky

Troy Thompson
Lexington, Kentucky
Josh Winkler
Dayton, OH

Josh Winkler
Dayton, OH
Andy Hetler
Uniontown, OH

Andy Hetler
Uniontown, OH
Nolan Lawson
Gordonsville, Virginia

Nolan Lawson
Gordonsville, Virginia
Brandon Petty
Spartanburg, Sc

Brandon Petty
Spartanburg, Sc
Share Your Stripes
At Scag, we are fanatical about lawn striping! If you are as “stripe crazy” as we are, we want to see your work! Post the best lawn-striping patterns you have done with your Scag mower on our Facebook, Twitter or Instagram page using the hashtags #Scag and/or #ShowUsYourStripes. Not on social media? Share your stripes and let us know your name, where you’re from and what mower you used, and we’ll be happy to share! We will post the best ones on this page for everyone to enjoy. Want to be featured in Scag online and/or printed marketing and promotional materials? Complete a Scag Nation Customer Profile.

Find a Dealer
Scag Power Equipment is represented across the globe by a network of authorized dealers. Scag dealers are your best source for obtaining timely sales assistance, reliable technical service, as well as Genuine Scag Parts.